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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Drift ice edge – 30th June 2019

Drift ice edge – 30th June 2019

We have got good sai­ling wind to bring us nor­thwards to Mag­da­le­nefjord, whe­re we anchor late in the night and then wake up with suns­hi­ne and two polar bears in view. Then we con­ti­nue nor­thwards, to the ice edge. It is not far, north Spits­ber­gen is still com­ple­te­ly in ice. We meet the drift ice edge in Smee­ren­burg­fjord. Rug­ged moun­ta­ins make the back­ground sce­n­ery, and the sun is shi­ning. Stun­ning!

Gal­lery – Drift ice edge – 30th June 2019

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

Pas­sing Smee­ren­burg and Vir­go­ham­na, we sail west­wards to the open sea and then turn north. See how far we get. Well, not far at all. We don’t make it to 80 degrees. Ice, wind and poor visi­bi­li­ty as soon as the­re is ice.

We don’t stay long, then we set sail and cour­se to the south.



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last modification: 2019-07-01 · copyright: Rolf Stange