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Home* News and Stories → Nor­way about to open bor­ders for tou­rists from most EU count­ries

Nor­way about to open bor­ders for tou­rists from most EU count­ries

The Nor­we­gi­an Minis­try of eco­no­mics and fishe­ries has com­mu­ni­ca­ted that tou­rists from most EU-count­ries will be allo­wed to tra­vel to Nor­way again from 15 July. Today (10 July) the Nor­we­gi­an insti­tu­te for public health (Fol­ke­hels­e­insti­tutt) has published a map which shows the various Euro­pean count­ries in green or red, respec­tively. Tou­rists from “green count­ries” will be allo­wed to enter Nor­way from 15 July wit­hout spe­cial reason or per­mis­si­on. Citi­zens from Scan­di­na­vi­an count­ries except Swe­den were alre­a­dy allo­wed into the coun­try from 15 June.

This map is, howe­ver, to be updated at inter­vals of 14 days or at any time ear­lier if nee­ded. Tou­rists from count­ries with hig­her or unclear infec­tion rates may be faced with tra­vel rest­ric­tions such as qua­ran­ti­ne.

Not all EU-count­ries have made it onto the “green list”: Por­tu­gal, Luxem­bourg, seve­ral count­ries in sou­the­ast Euro­pe and most parts of Swe­den are bright red on the map. The exam­p­le of Swe­den shows that the Nor­we­gi­an govern­ment may take decis­i­ons on a regio­nal level: tou­rists from seve­ral pro­vin­ces in south Swe­den (Ble­kin­ge, Kro­n­oberg and Skå­ne) may also tra­vel to Nor­way wit­hout rest­ric­tions from 15 July, in con­trast to the rest of the coun­try.

Tou­rists from count­ries out­side Euro­pe are curr­ent­ly gene­ral­ly not allo­wed into Nor­way unless they have clo­se rela­ti­ves or a part­ner in the coun­try, accor­ding to the Nor­we­gi­an govern­ment.



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last modification: 2020-07-10 · copyright: Rolf Stange