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Home* News and Stories → Gui­de­book “Spits­ber­gen-Sval­bard” now available in Dutch

Gui­de­book “Spits­ber­gen-Sval­bard” now available in Dutch

The gui­de­book “Spits­ber­gen-Sval­bard” is now also available in Dutch!

In short words: here it is (click on the link to get to my web­shop).

A more com­ple­te ver­si­on of the sto­ry:

How come?

A cou­ple of years ago in Trom­sø – we were just about to set sail for Bear Island and Spits­ber­gen – Jon­ne­ke van Eijs­den said it would be good to have the book in Dutch.

Initia­ti­ve and main trans­la­tor: Jon­ne­ke van Eijs­den

Jonneke van Eijsden

Initia­ti­ve and main trans­la­tor: Jon­ne­ke van Eijs­den.

Sure, no doubt, I could agree on that. But the then ongo­ing Nor­we­gi­an trans­la­ti­on of the book had alre­a­dy brought me clo­se to my limits in terms of time, money and ner­ves, so I was not real­ly incli­ned to open up a new big pro­ject, so my slight­ly reser­ved rep­ly was some­thing like “fine, go ahead if you want to.”

And Jon­ne­ke went ahead and did it. The who­le thing, from the table of con­tents to the app­re­cia­ti­ons in the end.

Quite unbe­lie­va­ble, isn’t it?

Much app­re­cia­ted: help from fri­ends and col­le­agues

But that was, of cour­se, not all. Peo­p­le with solid know­ledge of Dutch lan­guage and arc­tic ter­mi­no­lo­gy in various fields were nee­ded to help the pro­ject on its way towars a book that could be prin­ted. This group of good peo­p­le included Mari­on den Bak­ker, Arjen Drost, Sarah Gerats, Regi­na Mei­jn­dert, Annet­te Scheeps­tra, Ronald van Bel­zen, Tom van Hoof and Ronald Vis­ser. And high­ly know­led­geable peo­p­le like Hans Beelen, Lou­is Bey­ens and Maar­ten Loo­nen, all ack­now­led­ged experts in their fields, alowed us to pick their brains.

And my old mas­ter Rinie van Meurs was so kind to con­tri­bu­te with a fore­word!

A big “thank you” to all of you! This Dutch Spits­ber­gen gui­de­book would not exist wit­hout you!

Co-aut­hor: Michel­le van Dijk

The Net­her­lands have got a long histo­ry in rela­ti­on to Spits­ber­gen, start­ing with the dis­co­very in 1596 during Wil­lem Barent­sz’ third voya­ge and the name. That led to a spe­cial per­spec­ti­ve that is best unders­tood and descri­bed from an insi­de per­spec­ti­ve.

Michelle van Dijk

Co-aut­hor: Michel­le van Dijk (on Foynøya). Pho­to © Bir­git Lutz.

So this Dutch book has, for the first time in the by now quite long histo­ry of this book, two aut­hors: Michel­le van Dijk joi­n­ed me in the role of co-aut­hor and added various sec­tions such as one about Wil­lem Barent­sz, one about 17th cen­tu­ry wha­ling, then the who­le sto­ry of Barents­burg, Rijps­burg and NeSpi­co, Sjef van Don­gen, local infor­ma­ti­on about places such as Smee­ren­burg, … all Dutch chap­ters of the Dutch rela­ti­onship to Spits­ber­gen (and, of cour­se, not unmen­tio­ned in the other edi­ti­ons of the book, but Michel­le wro­te new ver­si­ons of the­se sec­tions, adding more detail and a new per­spec­ti­ve). And of cour­se she took off within her own field of know­ledge and pas­si­on and wro­te a new chap­ter about plants.

In other words, the new book is not just a mere trans­la­ti­on of the pre-exis­ting Eng­lish and Ger­man ver­si­ons (the­re is also a Nor­we­gi­an one, but that was not used in the trans­la­ti­on pro­cess), but a new book with con­tent that the other edi­ti­ons don’t have, at least not as it is here. It won’t sur­pri­se that it is the thi­c­kest one of the who­le fami­ly, with an impres­sie 656 pages.

Rolf Stange

I am and remain the main aut­hor: Rolf Stan­ge.

So, if you speak Dutch (or if you are inte­res­ted any­way), click here and check it out! Orders can be pla­ced from now and ship­ping will start soo­nest, as soon as we get the key rings in that will be ship­ped with the first 100 books (see below).


With spitsbergengids.nl, Michel­le has crea­ted a new site, dedi­ca­ted to the Dutch gui­de­book. The­re you can, of cour­se, also find Michelle’s other and own book, Sjef van Don­gen – Neder­land­se Poolhelt.

And an exclu­si­ve gift made in Lon­gye­ar­by­en with the first 100 orders

And on top of this: the first 100 orders that come in through my or Michelle’s web­shop will be com­ple­men­ted by an exclu­si­ve­ly made key ring made in Lon­gye­ar­by­en by mas­ter car­pen­ter Wolf­gang Zach, who is also the man behind the Spits­ber­gen drift­wood pic­tu­re frames and the kit­chen slats. The key rings are made of two dif­fe­rent kinds of wood, both with ori­g­ins in Spits­ber­gen: the dark wood is from oak beams that were used in mine 7 to sup­port the roof, and the polar bear is made from drift­wood. We have got 100 of the­se key rings, exclu­si­ve­ly made to come with the first 100 orders and, in this exact design, not available else­whe­re!

Spitzbergen Reiseführer niederländisch exklusives Geschenk

The­se beau­tiful key rings are made in Lon­gye­ar­by­en as an exclu­si­ve gift that comes with the first 100 copies of the Dutch Spits­ber­gen gui­de­book orde­red indi­vi­du­al­ly through my web­shop or Michelle’s 🙂



This and other publishing products of the Spitsbergen publishing house in the Spitsbergen-Shop.

last modification: 2020-10-25 · copyright: Rolf Stange