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The page for the weekend: Svenske­hu­set

The new page for the weekend (and bey­ond) is dedi­ca­ted to Svenske­hu­set at Kapp Thord­sen: built in 1872, is it today the oldest house on Spits­ber­gen that is still stan­ding. Ori­gi­nal­ly, the place was the focus of the Swe­dish dream to turn Spits­ber­gen into a Swe­dish colo­ny. But as soon as the next win­ter, 17 Nor­we­gi­an sail­ors died the­re under cir­cum­s­tances that remain­ed a mys­tery for more than 100 years. Sin­ce then, the house is also known as Spøkel­ses­hu­set (the haun­ted house).

Two more win­terings fol­lo­wed later, inclu­ding the Swe­dish expe­di­ti­on of the first Inter­na­tio­nal Polar Year in 1882-83. One of the expe­di­ti­on mem­bers was a young, then unknown inge­nie­er named Salo­mon August Andrée.


Svenske­hu­set at Kapp Thord­sen: Spitsbergen’s oldest house and site of seve­ral famous win­terings.
This ist just a screen­shot – click here for a vir­tu­al tour through Svenske­hu­set.

The­re is now a who­le weppa­ge dedi­ca­ted to Svenske­hu­set, with all of the sto­ries in some detail and – even bet­ter – a vir­tu­al tour that takes you through every room of the famous hous. The­re is a com­ple­te­ly new ver­si­on of the vir­tu­al tour that runs like a film – Click here and enjoy 🙂



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last modification: 2020-11-06 · copyright: Rolf Stange