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Daily Archives: 24. September 2022 − News & Stories

St. Jons­fjord – Isfjord … and: end of sea­son

Stor­my times! What a luck that we have got wea­ther­for­casts the­se days, which are not always as good as one might wish but nevert­hel­ess give us a clue when trou­ble is on its way so we can usual­ly find our way around it, pro­vi­ded we have got enough time. So for now, we spent a rather grey, but nevert­hel­ess very inte­res­t­ing and good mor­ning in St. Jons­fjord. Then we sai­led down For­lands­und and into Isfjord, which was a bit of a bum­py road, but within reason (some of tho­se less acquain­ted to wind, seas and small ships may have a dif­fe­rent view on this, though).

We spent our last full day all the way in Isfjord, name­ly in Bil­lefjord. Which was also pret­ty win­dy, but that didn’t keep us from spen­ding a beau­tiful day the­re befo­re it was time to set cour­se for Lon­gye­ar­by­en.

Whe­re this voya­ge came to its end. A beau­tiful voya­ge, full of inte­res­t­ing and exci­ting expe­ri­en­ces in the arc­tic autumn, if some­thing such as this actual­ly exists (it is, actual­ly, a rather short tran­si­ti­on from sum­mer to win­ter). We did and saw so much, the­re were so many high­lights, such as the sun­ny day in Lom­fjord or the landing on Mof­fen with the curious wal­ru­ses, to men­ti­on just two out of many.

A huge thanks to ever­y­bo­dy who has con­tri­bu­ted to all this, to ever­y­thing that we could see and do in safe­ty and good spi­rits! All of you who joi­n­ed us for the­se exci­ting days, my good fel­low col­le­agues Dani­el, Ire­ne and Mar­ty­na and of cour­se Cap­tain Jona­than and his good crew! You were fan­ta­stic, and I am loo­king for­ward to future trips with all of you!

This is, as far as I am con­cer­ned, the end of the arc­tic sai­ling sea­son 2022. A long series of very good, ama­zing, inten­se voy­a­ges on various small and very small sai­ling ships, from Mean­der to Anti­gua and Arc­ti­ca II and back again. I am thank­ful for every sin­gle day of it!

Gal­lery – St. Jons­fjord to Isfjord – 19th – 22th Sep­tem­ber 2022

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.


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