24 Sep
Stormy times! What a luck that we have got weatherforcasts these days, which are not always as good as one might wish but nevertheless give us a clue when trouble is on its way so we can usually find our way around it, provided we have got enough time. So for now, we spent a rather grey, but nevertheless very interesting and good morning in St. Jonsfjord. Then we sailed down Forlandsund and into Isfjord, which was a bit of a bumpy road, but within reason (some of those less acquainted to wind, seas and small ships may have a different view on this, though).
We spent our last full day all the way in Isfjord, namely in Billefjord. Which was also pretty windy, but that didn’t keep us from spending a beautiful day there before it was time to set course for Longyearbyen.
Where this voyage came to its end. A beautiful voyage, full of interesting and exciting experiences in the arctic autumn, if something such as this actually exists (it is, actually, a rather short transition from summer to winter). We did and saw so much, there were so many highlights, such as the sunny day in Lomfjord or the landing on Moffen with the curious walruses, to mention just two out of many.
A huge thanks to everybody who has contributed to all this, to everything that we could see and do in safety and good spirits! All of you who joined us for these exciting days, my good fellow colleagues Daniel, Irene and Martyna and of course Captain Jonathan and his good crew! You were fantastic, and I am looking forward to future trips with all of you!
This is, as far as I am concerned, the end of the arctic sailing season 2022. A long series of very good, amazing, intense voyages on various small and very small sailing ships, from Meander to Antigua and Arctica II and back again. I am thankful for every single day of it!
Gallery – St. Jonsfjord to Isfjord – 19th – 22th September 2022
Click on thumbnail to open an enlarged version of the specific photo.