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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → This season’s first tri­plog: with SV Mean­der from Alta to Bodø

This season’s first tri­plog: with SV Mean­der from Alta to Bodø

The 2024 arc­tic sai­son has begun! We spent 10 days with SV Mean­der sai­ling in north Nor­way from Alta to Bodø. If you fol­low my tra­vel blog on the­se pages then you know all about it and you have alre­a­dy seen a lot of pic­tures. Now the tri­plog is available. The tri­plog its­elf is in Ger­man, but it comes with ple­nty of pho­tos well sor­ted in 3 gal­le­ries. Start here.

SV Meander, Norway 2024

SV Mean­der in Troll­fjord.

It is cer­tain­ly worth cli­cking through the pho­tos. We were very lucky on this trip, with a lot of suns­hi­ne and no real­ly bad wea­ther, almost a bit unty­pi­cal for the area and that time of year, still late win­ter. And yes, the wha­les … but just have a look at the pic­tures.

Good SV Mean­der will keep sai­ling in north Nor­way also in the future, both in spring and in the late sea­son, in Novem­ber, when we count on see­ing nor­t­hern lights and orcas. Visit Sai­ling Expedition’s web­site for more infor­ma­ti­on.

The next tri­plog will come in June, after the trip with Anti­gua 31 May – 08 June.



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last modification: 2024-05-07 · copyright: Rolf Stange