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Daily Archives: 11. August 2024 − News & Stories

New tem­pe­ra­tu­re record for Lon­gye­ar­by­en

Hot news from Lon­gye­ar­by­en, in the truest sen­se of the word. The meteo­ro­lo­gi­cal sta­ti­on at Lon­gye­ar­by­en air­port recor­ded a stun­ning 20.3 degrees cen­ti­gra­de yes­ter­day (Sun­day, August 11) bet­ween 1400 and 1500 – war­mer than any August day befo­re on record, which goes back to 1964.

And it was wit­hout any doubt also warm in Lon­gye­ar­by­en, as we can con­firm from our own expe­ri­ence.

Temperature record Spitzbergen: sunny day on the north coast

It felt like 30 degrees on Sun­day on the north coast of Spits­ber­gen ☀️🥵 it may well have been clo­se to 20 degrees, but we don’t have a pro­per ther­mo­me­ter here.

Blom­strand­hal­vøya – Ham­burg­buk­ta

I am han­ging behind with my tra­vel blog, 3 days by now. That is gene­ral­ly a good sign. The­re is just too much going on here. We have now had three days of fan­ta­stic wea­ther, so the­re are good hikes and some other love­ly stuff every day.

Fri­day mor­ning began in Kongsfjord. We had ancho­red near Blom­strand­hal­vøya. Con­side­ring the gre­at wea­ther we had, a hike across Blom­strand was an obvious choice. We went up to Irgens­fjel­let which has an ama­zing pan­o­r­amic view of all the moun­ta­ins and gla­ciers around Kongsfjord and con­tin­ued to the old marb­le mine of Ny Lon­don / Marb­le Island.

A few hours later we went into Ham­burg­buk­ta, a small “hid­den” bay on the nor­t­hern west coast.

Ein paar Stun­den spä­ter haben wir noch eine Run­de in der Ham­burg­buk­ta gedreht, eine schö­ne, etwas ver­steck­te Bucht an der nörd­li­chen West­küs­te.

Pho­to gal­lery: Blom­strand­hal­vøya – Ham­burg­buk­ta – 09th August 2024

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.


News-Listing live generated at 2025/February/15 at 22:55:06 Uhr (GMT+1)