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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Isfjord: Alk­hor­net & Bore­breen

Isfjord: Alk­hor­net & Bore­breen

Back in Isfjord! Good thing, we still had plans here. Start­ing with the tun­dra para­di­se at Alk­hor­net with ple­nty of good loo­king reinde­er, an arc­tic fox, two ptar­mi­gans and a curious­ly park­ed Sys­sel­mes­ter boat.

We spent the after­noon at Bore­breen, a might­i­ly impres­si­ve gla­cier due to its cur­rent advan­ce. The tur­ning ice­berg was just as impres­si­ve.

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Tur­ning ice­berg at Bore­breen. Video by Burk­hard Hel­ler – thank you! 🙂

And Piet and the ser­vice crew show­ed what they are real­ly capa­ble of in the evening. Yet ano­ther high­light on this day which was not poor in high­lights at all. Now we were just curious if we would mana­ge to see a polar bear tomor­row, on the very last full day of this trip …

Pho­to gal­lery Isfjord: Alk­hor­net & Bore­breen – 21st Sep­tem­ber 2024

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.



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last modification: 2024-09-24 · copyright: Rolf Stange