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Home* News and Stories → Sval­bard geo­po­li­tics: recom­men­ded pre­sen­ta­ti­on

Sval­bard geo­po­li­tics: recom­men­ded pre­sen­ta­ti­on

Sval­bard geo­po­li­tics – a big thing. How is it real­ly about sove­reig­n­ty, is Sval­bard real­ly part of Nor­way or some kind of inter­na­tio­nal area? How is it with the Rus­si­an sett­le­ments, what kind of ide­as might Putin have, and what about the sea are­as … big ques­ti­ons. And the­re are a lot of misun­derstan­dings about them out the­re.

I have writ­ten a lot about all of that on the­se pages, it is not about repea­ting the­se con­tents here. It is about a pre­sen­ta­ti­on that was held last night (Tues­day, 08 Octo­ber) and that you can see on You­tube (click here). If this link does not work, then copy


and pas­te it into your brow­ser. In any case, start at 37 minu­tes, it is the com­ple­te live­stream that was star­ted well befo­re the actual­ly pre­sen­ta­ti­on actual­ly star­ted

Barentsburg: Svalbard geopolitics

This includes a good bit of what you should know about Sval­bard geo­po­li­tics.

The pre­sen­ta­ti­on by Andre­as Øst­ha­gen from the Fri­dt­jof Nan­sen Insti­tu­te explains the poli­tics and cle­ars some com­mon misun­derstan­dings. After a break (fast for­ward the You­tube ver­si­on), Tiril Vold Han­sen from the Nord Uni­ver­si­ty offers her per­spec­ti­ve on recent issues inclu­ding new regu­la­ti­ons for tou­rism. Inte­res­t­ing stuff. Then mayor Ter­je Aune­vik rounds the evening off.

The pre­sen­ta­ti­ons were arran­ged by Sval­bard Muse­um. Thank you for that!



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last modification: 2024-10-09 · copyright: Rolf Stange