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Home* News and Stories → The new calen­der “Spits­ber­gen & Green­land” 2025 is available

The new calen­der “Spits­ber­gen & Green­land” 2025 is available

The new dou­ble calen­der “Spits­ber­gen and Green­land 2025” is available!

As usu­al, it is a dou­ble calen­dar. That means that you don’t get 12 (actual­ly, 14) pages which blank back side, but all pages are put to good use on both sides, so you get 24 beau­tiful images with no com­prom­mi­se in terms of size for the 12 months! Of cour­se, the­re are 12 pic­tures “Spits­ber­gen” – after all, the calen­dar star­ted its life in 2013 as a Spits­ber­gen calen­dar. And in 2025, the second the­me is Green­land, or east Green­land, to be pre­cise, name­ly the ama­zing Score­s­by­sund.

Spitsbergen calendar 2025

The new Dou­ble calen­dar 2025: Green­land is the fea­tured second the­me.

You will find more infor­ma­ti­on inclu­ding pre­views of all sides, pri­ces and the opti­on to order the new calen­dar here in the Spits­ber­gen-Sval­bard online shop.

My Spits­ber­gen (+) calen­der comes every year with a com­ple­te­ly new sel­ec­tion of images, obvious­ly in limi­t­ed edi­ti­on. If you want to do me a huge favour then lea­ve a rating (review) in the pro­duct descrip­ti­on if you like it. That helps immense­ly in today’s inter­net world. And while you are at it, may­be you can also dona­te some stars and a few – no need for long texts! – fri­end­ly words with other books that you may have or other­wi­se know. The new Spits­ber­gen pho­to book Cold beau­ty does, for exam­p­le, not yet have any ratings, which means it remains a bit silent and hid­den in a dark cor­ner of the inter­net. Some­thing you can chan­ge with a mous­eclick or two …

I wish you a good weekend, plea­sant and safe, whe­re­ver you are! Gree­tings from Lon­gye­ar­by­en, Rolf Stan­ge ❄️🙂



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last modification: 2024-10-11 · copyright: Rolf Stange