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A litt­le Christ­mas pre­sent: new Spits­ber­gen pages

P.S. TLDR? Too long, don’t feel like rea­ding, rather get straight to the point? At the bot­tom of the post are the links to the new pages: Akseløya, Mid­ter­huk­ham­na and the old mines on the north side of Advent­fjord.

The last few weeks have once again been jam-packed, but it was worth it, working on the new edi­ti­on of the Spits­ber­gen gui­de­book. More on this in a few weeks from now.

Polar night, Adventdalen

Polar night atmo­sphe­re in Advent­da­len.
The pic­tu­re shows the illu­mi­na­ted cor­ner sta­ti­on of the old coal-fired cable car at End­a­len.

At the same time, I have been working on a cou­ple of pages dedi­ca­ted to cer­tain are­as and indi­vi­du­al loca­ti­ons on Spits­ber­gen. After all, that’s whe­re you can tra­vel online, get­ting to fan­ta­stic places with just a mous­eclick which other­wi­se are dif­fi­cult to reach, if at all.

Longyearbyen, Nordlicht

Hint of a nor­t­hern light over Lon­gye­ar­by­en.

The­se include, among others, four pages that tog­e­ther illus­tra­te the lar­gest more or less con­ti­guous monu­ment of indus­tri­al histo­ry in Spits­ber­gen, name­ly the mining land­scape from the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry on the north side of Advent­fjord:

  • Advent City was the first ever attempt on Spits­ber­gen to mine coal indus­tri­al­ly.
  • Hior­th­hamn fol­lo­wed a few years later and is one of Svalbard’s most remar­kab­le cul­tu­ral monu­ments from the pio­nee­ring days of coal mining with its shore­li­ne com­plex.
  • Sne­heim is the old mine belon­ging to Hior­th­hamn. At an alti­tu­de of 582 met­res on Hiorth­fjel­let, incre­di­ble!
  • The old mess and accom­mo­da­ti­on area “Ørne­re­det” is part of the Sne­heim mine, the old mine belon­ging to Hior­th­hamn.

Also new are the pages about Rus­selt­ved­tod­den (ever heard of that?) at the sou­thern end of Akseløya (ah of cour­se … the beau­tiful Akseløya in Bell­sund) and Mid­ter­huk­ham­na. And the­re are brand new pages dedi­ca­ted to Sas­senfjord respec­tively Tem­pel­fjord. Oh yes, don’t for­get a quick trip to Agardhbuk­ta on the east coast 🙂

Longyearbyen, Mond

The moon abo­ve the old cable car cent­re in Lon­gye­ar­by­en.



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last modification: 2024-12-21 · copyright: Rolf Stange