P.S. TLDR? Too long, don’t feel like reading, rather get straight to the point? At the bottom of the post are the links to the new pages: Akseløya, Midterhukhamna and the old mines on the north side of Adventfjord.
The last few weeks have once again been jam-packed, but it was worth it, working on the new edition of the Spitsbergen guidebook. More on this in a few weeks from now.
Polar night atmosphere in Adventdalen.
The picture shows the illuminated corner station of the old coal-fired cable car at Endalen.
At the same time, I have been working on a couple of pages dedicated to certain areas and individual locations on Spitsbergen. After all, that’s where you can travel online, getting to fantastic places with just a mouseclick which otherwise are difficult to reach, if at all.
These include, among others, four pages that together illustrate the largest more or less contiguous monument of industrial history in Spitsbergen, namely the mining landscape from the early 20th century on the north side of Adventfjord:
Advent City was the first ever attempt on Spitsbergen to mine coal industrially.
Hiorthhamn followed a few years later and is one of Svalbard’s most remarkable cultural monuments from the pioneering days of coal mining with its shoreline complex.
Sneheim is the old mine belonging to Hiorthhamn. At an altitude of 582 metres on Hiorthfjellet, incredible!
The old mess and accommodation area “Ørneredet” is part of the Sneheim mine, the old mine belonging to Hiorthhamn.
Also new are the pages about Russeltvedtodden (ever heard of that?) at the southern end of Akseløya (ah of course … the beautiful Akseløya in Bellsund) and Midterhukhamna. And there are brand new pages dedicated to Sassenfjord respectively Tempelfjord. Oh yes, don’t forget a quick trip to Agardhbukta on the east coast 🙂
The moon above the old cable car centre in Longyearbyen.
This and other publishing products of the Spitsbergen publishing house in the Spitsbergen-Shop.
Norwegens arktischer Norden (1): Spitzbergen
Photobook: Norway's arctic islands. The text in this book is German. [shop url="https://shop.spitzbergen.de/en/polar-books/70-norwegens-arktischer-norden-1-aerial-arctic-9783937903262.html"] ← Back
Lofoten, Jan Mayen and Spitsbergen from the air - Photobook: Norway's arctic islands. The text in this book is German, but there is very little text, so I am sure that you will enjoy it regardless which languages you read (or not).
The companion book for the Svalbardhytter poster. The poster visualises the diversity of Spitsbergen‘s huts and their stories in a range of Arctic landscapes. The book tells the stories of the huts in three languages.
Comprehensive guidebook about Spitsbergen. Background (wildlife, plants, geology, history etc.), practical information including travelling seasons, how to travel, description of settlements, routes and regions.
Join an exciting journey with dog, skis and tent through the wintery wastes of East Greenland! We were five guys and a dog when we started in Ittoqqortoormiit, the northernmost one of two settlements on Greenland’s east coast.
12 postcards which come in a beautifully designed tray. Beautiful images from South Georgia across Antarctica from the Antarctic Peninsula to the Ross Sea and up to Macquarie Island and Campbell Island.