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New pages: Mid­ter­huk­ham­na and more

During the polar night and in the rela­ti­ve calm of the begin­ning of the new year, you can relax and crea­te beau­tiful new pages, also to take your mind off the some­ti­mes some­what rou­ti­ne work on the updated edi­ti­ons of the Sval­bard gui­de­book. This refe­rence to the­se beau­tiful new pages is inten­ded as an easi­ly diges­ti­ble intro­duc­tion to the Sval­bard news sec­tion 2025.

Pan­ora­ma land­scape Bell­sund

Bell­sund has so far been some­what spar­se­ly repre­sen­ted in the Sval­bard pan­ora­ma sec­tion, which of cour­se does not do jus­ti­ce to this varied and beau­tiful area, and the­re is cer­tain­ly more than enough mate­ri­al for cor­re­spon­ding pages in the archi­ve, they just have to be crea­ted bit by bit. Mid­ter­huk­ham­na and Gås­ber­get (Mid­ter­hu­ken) are a nice step for­ward with two brand­new pages. Enjoy the vir­tu­al trip the­re, the view over Bell­sund is fan­ta­stic and the who­le area real­ly is a natu­ral gem.

Gåsberget, Midterhuken. Panorama

View from Mid­ter­hu­ken in Bell­sund: a mou­se click wort­hwhile. The pic­tu­re here is just a screen­shot, the real pan­ora­mas can be rota­ted 360 degrees on the screen.

If you fan­cy more of Bell­sund, you should for exam­p­le visit Obser­va­to­rief­jel­let and Snat­cher­pyn­ten in Recher­chefjord, or Akseløya inclu­ding Rus­selt­ved­tod­den. The­re is ple­nty of good stuff.



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last modification: 2025-01-05 · copyright: Rolf Stange