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Home* News and Stories → New laws for tou­rism in pro­tec­ted are­as

New laws for tou­rism in pro­tec­ted are­as

New regu­la­ti­ons for the gro­wing tou­rist traf­fic in Svalbard’s natio­nal parks and natu­re reser­ves have been in pro­cess for a while. In March 2008, the gover­nor (Sys­sel­man­nen) has published some details, inclu­ding:

  • Ban on cru­de oil (com­mon fuel for lar­ger ships) in natio­nal parks and natu­re reser­ves. The­re may be excep­ti­ons for Kongsfjord (Ny Åle­sund), the sai­ling rou­te into Bell­sund (Sveagru­va) and Mag­da­le­nefjord (important desti­na­ti­on for lar­ge crui­se ships).
  • Cer­tain sites that are con­side­red to have major his­to­ri­cal or bio­lo­gi­cal value and that con­side­red are espe­ci­al­ly vul­nerable will be clo­sed for visi­tors.
  • Addi­tio­nal­ly, tou­rist landings in the natu­re reser­ves in eas­tern Sval­bard will be rest­ric­ted to cer­tain are­as. 
    Legis­la­ti­on is in pro­cess, a time sche­du­le is not published.

The Hau­de­gen sta­ti­on from World War II in Rijpfjord (Nord­aus­t­land) is among­st the sites that are likely to be clo­sed to visi­tors.

New laws for tourism in protected areas



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last modification: 2014-07-01 · copyright: Rolf Stange