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Home* News and Stories → Nor­we­gi­an wha­ling sea­son has star­ted

Nor­we­gi­an wha­ling sea­son has star­ted

The Nor­we­gi­an wha­le hun­ting sea­son 2012 has star­ted a few days ago. 20 ships share a quo­ta of 1286 Min­ke wha­les. Last year’s quo­ta was simi­lar, but “only” 533 wha­les were brought in due to the small demand and dif­fi­cul­ties to sell the meat and other pro­ducts.

The first cat­chers are on their way and have alre­a­dy har­poo­ned seve­ral wha­les around Bear Island. Bear Island belongs to Spits­ber­gen (Sval­bard), whe­re strict regu­la­ti­ons app­ly for tou­rism – in con­trast to this, wha­ling does not seem to be a pro­blem for Nor­we­gi­an aut­ho­ri­ties, a per­spec­ti­ve not shared by envi­ron­men­ta­lists.

Wha­le cat­cher with moun­ted har­poon gun. The foto shows the Pet­rel, a wreck bea­ched in South Geor­gia that has not been used for deca­des. The tech­ni­que is, howe­ver, still the very same.

Norwegian whaling season has started - Harpoon gun

Source: Finn­mark­dag­bla­det



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last modification: 2014-07-01 · copyright: Rolf Stange