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Home* News and Stories → Svol­vær – or Sval­bard…?

Svol­vær – or Sval­bard…?

An Ame­ri­can lady was more than just a bit sur­pri­sed when she found out whe­re she actual­ly was in the air­port of Lon­gye­ar­by­en. She had inten­ded to tra­vel up to Svol­vær, the main sett­le­ment in Lofo­ten, a group of islands off the coast of north Nor­way.

The reason for the not so litt­le detour was the simi­la­ri­ty bet­ween the words “Svol­vær” and “Sval­bard”, as the Nor­we­gi­ans com­mon­ly call Spits­ber­gen. The lady had asked the tra­vel agen­cy for a ticket to Svol­vær but got one to Sval­bard, wit­hout anyo­ne taking noti­ce of the dif­fe­rence. She was a bit sur­pri­sed about the pass­port con­trol in Trom­sø, but did not pay any fur­ther atten­ti­on to it.

She said she enjoy­ed her 2 days in the high arc­tic after the first sur­pri­se, until a seat on a flight back was available.

Sval­bard (yel­low cir­cle) and Svol­vær (red): a litt­le dif­fe­rence.

Svolvær or Svalbard - Svalbard map

Source: Sval­bard­pos­ten (2112)



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last modification: 2014-07-01 · copyright: Rolf Stange