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Home* News and Stories → Begin­ning of arc­tic ship­ping sea­son 2012

Begin­ning of arc­tic ship­ping sea­son 2012

The mid­night sun is shi­ning over Spitsbergen’s fjords sin­ce late April and most of the birds have star­ted their bree­ding busi­ness by now. Most tou­rist ships that sail Spitsbergen’s coas­tal waters, from lar­ge crui­se ships to small sai­ling boats, are now on their way up north, some are alre­a­dy the­re.

The owner of this web­site is also soon on his way north and will be the­re (Spits­ber­gen and west Green­land) until late Sep­tem­ber. The news sec­tion will accor­din­gly be updated less fre­quent­ly than during recent months, but the­re will be updates and news of importance will, if neces­sa­ry, be pos­ted with a litt­le delay – but they will appear here.

The tra­vel blog site (tri­plogs, pho­to gal­le­ries) of trips of the 2012 sea­son will soon be updated regu­lar­ly until late September/early Octo­ber. So – plea­se visit again!

Spits­ber­gen under the mid­night sun: the sai­ling sea­son in the high norht has star­ted.

Beginning of arctic shipping season 2012 - Midnight sun



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last modification: 2014-07-01 · copyright: Rolf Stange