The light is slowly coming back these days in Spitsbergen after the polar night, but it will take another 2 weeks more or less until the sun makes it above the horizon again. While it is relatively calm in the far north, it is time to get a bit of homework done. There is plenty of material for 360 degree panoramas waiting to be processed, and the pages with regional descriptions on are to be completed with comprehensive photo galleries from the individual parts of Svalbard.
Both requires significant time and effort, but there is progress. A site that is now complete with galleries and panoramas is the one about Lomfjord in northeastern Spitsbergen, neighbouring Hinlopen Strait.
If you prefer to see the panoramas and photo galleries separately, without all the talking about geology and history, then check these two dedicated sites: photo galleries and panoramas.
These sites are just part of a major development that is aiming at a comprehensive illustration of all parts of the Spitsbergen archipelago (and Jan Mayen and parts of Greenland and Antarctica, for that sake) with photo galleries and navigable 360 degree panorama material. This requires a lot of effort in terms of both time and money. The results are on and can be freely accessed at no cost and without registration or whatever, but the website and its owner/maker are happy about links or like it clicks. If you want to support these efforts financially, then please have a look on the right side if there is any book or calendar that might fit well into your collection or as a present …