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Home* News and Stories → Trap­pers Trail 2014: Spitsbergen’s lar­gest dog sled race

Trap­pers Trail 2014: Spitsbergen’s lar­gest dog sled race

Impres­si­ons from the Trap­pers Trail 2014, Spitsbergen’s lar­gest dog sled race. Sin­ce 2009, the Trap­pers Trail is an annu­al event. The rou­te is in toal 75 kilo­me­t­res long and takes the teams from Lon­gye­ar­by­en via Toda­len and Bøda­len to Kapp Lai­la on the first day, whe­re the teams, orga­ni­zers and visi­tors enjoy a memo­rable evening with bon­fi­re, oven-hea­ted tents and a grand view over Isfjord. The second day takes the teams through Fard­a­len and up to Lon­gye­ar­breen. The slo­pe up to the pass to the gla­cier is the toug­hest part of the rou­te, which is, altog­e­ther, well within reason for reason­ab­ly well trai­ned teams.

The­re are seve­ral disci­pli­nes, depen­ding on the num­ber of dogs per team and the kind of sledge. “Ski and pulk” is a group on its own. This year, “Lon­gye­ar­by­en Hun­de­klubb” has announ­ced a record-brea­king num­ber of par­ti­ci­pan­ts: 23 teams with 38 mus­hers and 199 dogs. The win­ner was not yet cer­tain at the time of wri­ting.

Trap­pers Trail (gal­lery)

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.



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last modification: 2014-07-01 · copyright: Rolf Stange