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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Back to Ice­land

Back to Iceland

(10th – 12th July 2014) − The crossing back to Ice­land star­ted in a very enjoya­ble way! The north Atlan­tic pre­sen­ted its­elf almost as calm as a lake for the first day, and the Auro­ra sud­den­ly was a very plea­sant place to be, also at open sea. Both the salong insi­de and the cock­pit out­side were crow­ded with peo­p­le who were enjoy­ing life pret­ty much. I could even offer my litt­le Jan May­en pre­sen­ta­ti­on, alre­a­dy enri­ched with some new pho­tos. More than 10 days later than plan­ned, but still not a bad thing.

Of cour­se, this could not last fore­ver. At least it hap­pen­ed to be a good sai­ling wind, so we could cover part of the distance to Ice­land under sail. An expe­ri­ence that not ever­y­bo­dy was able to app­re­cia­te ful­ly, and soon Auro­ra was an almost emp­ty boat again, except the bunks were ever­y­bo­dy was lying and wai­ting for bet­ter times.

The­se came Satur­day after­noon. Harold and Gud­jon had put ever­y­thing on one card and boo­ked their flights out of Isaf­jör­dur alre­a­dy tonight. And it work­ed almost to the minu­te, becau­se Sig­gi drop­ped the two off in the first har­bour on the way into the fjord, so they could take the fast trip by car from the­re. No risk, no fun!

We others great­ly enjoy­ed solid ground again in Isaf­jör­dur and all the advan­ta­ges and plea­su­res that come with it. From here on, ever­y­bo­dy went his ways. All the best to you fel­low expe­di­tio­ners, see you again, some­whe­re, some­time! And gre­at thanks again to Sig­gi and Gud­jon!


Group pho­to (Down­load lar­ge image file)

For me, it’s up to Spits­ber­gen now. Which is not always pure well­ness eit­her. But in com­pa­ri­son to Jan May­en, it almost feels like it … shel­te­red fjords, a ship that is very com­for­ta­ble in com­pa­ri­son, gre­at hikes even if you do less than 20 km, and all the­se land­scapes bet­ween Sør­kapp and Sjuøya­ne … I am coming! 🙂



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last modification: 2014-07-17 · copyright: Rolf Stange