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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil


I’m afraid that I will pro­ba­b­ly wri­te more again than anyo­ne will want to read. Well, that’s life. Not my pro­blem, any­way, I am only wri­ting it, I don’t have to read it.

A love­ly gla­cier in suns­hi­ne as „ear­ly“ mor­ning exer­cise.

Then a trip back into the past. A tour that I alre­a­dy wan­ted to do in 2011, but some­thing was in the way back then, a polar bear on the beach, or bad wea­ther, or both, I don’t remem­ber. Back then, the­re were peo­p­le with me who are now again on board. Ano­ther good reason to get back to this idea to hike from Van Mijenfjord to Van Keu­len­fjord. 12 kilo­me­t­res in some hid­den val­leys of Nathorst Land.

For me, a trip back into my own past, as we went through the­se val­leys ages ago on a ski trip. Back then, we mistrea­ted every one of the num­e­rous small water­falls in the­se val­leys with ice clim­bing equip­ment, roping our­sel­ves and all our stuff up rather than wal­king around the water­falls on the even slo­pes. That would have been bor­ing. So the who­le thing took 3 days for a few kilo­me­ters. Today, we hope to be a bit fas­ter.

And a trip back into the very distant past of Earth histo­ry. Moon­like land­scape of rocks from the midd­le ages of our pla­net. Weird impres­si­ons. Colours most ship-based tra­ve­lers wouldn’t know from Spits­ber­gen. And then the­se beau­tiful water­falls car­ved into even older rocks. Now, in August, we wouldn’t get very far the­re with ice screws.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

If I finish now, may­be some of you have read the way through it. So. End of sto­ry for the moment. Thank you for rea­ding this far.



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last modification: 2014-08-08 · copyright: Rolf Stange