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Home* News and Stories → Web­page of the week: Pan­ora­mas nor­thwest Spits­ber­gen

Web­page of the week: Pan­ora­mas nor­thwest Spits­ber­gen

More or less weekly, we have a new web­page desi­gna­ted as “web­page of the week” to show hid­den tre­asu­res within spitsbergen-svalbard.com, which are likely to escape from your atten­ti­on other­wi­se. The­se are new or revi­sed sites, abso­lut­e­ly worth see­ing. This week’s page gui­des you to a num­ber of 360 degree pan­ora­mas from nor­thwes­tern Spits­ber­gen, inclu­ding well-known places such as Smee­ren­burg on Ams­ter­damøya, Vir­go­ham­na on Dan­s­køya or Grav­ne­set in Mag­da­le­nefjord, but also less well known sites, for exam­p­le Kob­befjord or Bjørn­ham­na. And, of cour­se, all the­se pan­ora­mas come com­ple­te with a short nar­ra­ti­on of the sto­ry that is to tell – almost as good as being the­re! The pan­ora­mas were taken in all kinds of wea­ther and light, from sun to rain, that is just how the area is with its quick­ly shif­ting wea­ther. Remem­ber, the open north Atlan­tic is just around the cor­ner.

Some more pan­ora­mas from Raud­fjord will com­ple­te the page over the next cou­ple of days, but that is of cour­se not the end of the sto­ry. More pan­ora­ma images will be shot over the years to come, that is for sure. And now … enjoy tur­ning the images!

Pan­ora­ma from Kob­befjord: only one of many pan­ora­mas from nor­thwes­tern Spits­ber­gen.

panorama, Kobbefjord



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last modification: 2014-11-18 · copyright: Rolf Stange