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Home* News and Stories → Site of the week: White-bea­k­ed dol­phin

Site of the week: White-bea­k­ed dol­phin

The new site of the week at spitsbergen-svalbard.com is a recent­ly crea­ted site about the White-bea­k­ed dol­phin. Dol­phins are not exact­ly what you intui­tively expect in the arc­tic, so it is quite sur­pri­sing to learn of many the­re actual­ly are. But not on the coas­tal waters and fjords of Spits­ber­gen, rather in the open Barents Sea. In recent years, I have regu­lar­ly done the crossing from Nor­way to Bear Island and Spits­ber­gen in the begin­ning of the arc­tic ship­ping boat sea­son. The abun­dance of wha­les and dol­phins in the Barents Sea has always ama­zed me. White-bea­k­ed dol­phins are the nor­t­hern­most repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the dol­phin fami­ly.

Click here to get to the new site of the week.

White-bea­k­ed dol­phin in the Barents Sea.

White-beaked dolphin



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last modification: 2014-12-14 · copyright: Rolf Stange