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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Basalt hea­ven in Vikin­ge­bug­ten – 03rd Sep­tem­ber 2015

Basalt hea­ven in Vikin­ge­bug­ten – 03rd Sep­tem­ber 2015

The night has brought a fresh, white cover of snow to the ship and to the land. But it is tha­wing alre­a­dy, get­ting grey and wet, and it will not last for long.

The crew has to fight some near­go­ing ice floes off with long poles during the night.

Pho­to Basalt hea­ven in Vikin­ge­bug­ten – 03rd Sep­tem­ber 2015

Basalt heaven

The who­le coun­try south of Score­s­by­sund con­sists of basalt. The blood of the Earth, shed when a crack star­ted to split a huge con­ti­nent from south to north. The crack kept gro­wing and today we know it as the Atlan­tic oce­an. The Earth’s blood that was spil­led during ear­ly stages of that pro­cess, that is the basalt. A huge basalt pla­teau that later bro­ke into two parts. The Færøer Islands are part of the eas­tern bit.

Pho­to Taen­der­ne – 03rd Sep­tem­ber 2015

Basalt heaven

East Green­land south of Score­s­by­sund is the wes­tern bit. This is why we find so many of nature’s archi­tec­tu­ral mas­ter­pie­ces, the basalt colum­ns, in this area, in all shapes and sizes. The snow makes the struc­tures very appearent in many places.

Pho­to Hecla Havn – 03rd Sep­tem­ber 2015


It is clea­ring up in the after­noon. The rocky hills of Dan­mark Ø invi­te for some good hiking. Colourful rocks pro­vi­de insight in bil­li­ons of years of Earth histo­ry next to ama­zing views over a very fine bit of Green­land.



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last modification: 2016-09-22 · copyright: Rolf Stange