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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Fjord of wind – fjord of colours – 04rd Sep­tem­ber 2015

Fjord of wind – fjord of colours – 04rd Sep­tem­ber 2015

Fønfjord has got its name for a reason, and it lived up to its repu­ta­ti­on. Of cour­se the kat­aba­tic wind blows down and away from the inland ice, straight on the nose for us, that is. It is safe to bet the house on it. Pret­ty strong today, the wind.

But who says you can’t go ashore in Fønfjord?

Pho­to Fjord of wind – fjord of colours – 04rd Sep­tem­ber 2015


The­re is a nice litt­le bay on the shore of Mil­ne Land, whe­re Ópal cele­bra­ted her love­ly water cerem­o­ny. Mea­ning that we fil­led up our water sup­pli­es the­re. The cap­tain put the bow straight on to the beach, and down into a litt­le clear stream with the pump. Small ship plea­su­res!

Pho­to Røde Ø – 04rd Sep­tem­ber 2015 – 1/2


Rødefjord also has got its name for a reason. Deep­ly red sand­stone. Near Red Island, natu­re has crea­ted an ama­zing wall of basalt colum­ns like a pile of fire­wood. Ver­ti­cal rock faces, just like Marl­bo­ro Coun­try.

Pho­to Røde Ø – 04rd Sep­tem­ber 2015 – 2/2


But the ice­bergs are of cour­se the best part. The famous ice­berg gra­vey­ard north of Røde Ø, ice­berg alley, ice­berg city, wha­te­ver you want to call it. An incre­di­ble gathe­ring of huge ice­bergs, migh­ty giants, groun­ded and sur­roun­ded with water calm like a mir­ror, sca­ry dimen­si­ons and ama­zing num­bers. Deep green colours indi­ca­te mas­si­ve volu­mes of ice under water. After the zodiac tour, cap­tain Hörður asked me if I lik­ed it. What a ques­ti­on. If you don’t like that, then Green­land is not a place to go for you. The sheer beau­ty would make ever­yo­ne speach­l­ess, I guess.



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last modification: 2016-09-22 · copyright: Rolf Stange