5 Aug
Around mid-day we had reached Magdalenefjord. Going into Magdalenefjord was not even part of the plan, but as we don’t really have a plan, it didn’t really matter … we keep making decisions as we go along the way, and as it was quite foggy further north, but clear in Magdalenefjord, this decision was an easy one.
During a first little walk on a nice sand beach (no, not Gravneset), we saw arctic turn chicks, maybe flapping their wings today for the first time, doing their first metres in flight … the first of many million more to come, they will spend most of their life migrating back and forth between the Arctic and the Antarctic. So little animals, such an amazing life. Some walrusses were swimming around, with a glacier front providing a good background.
Not far away, a polar bear was resting on the shore. We had a good, reasonably close look at it. It just lifted its head, not giving a sh… about our presence. Or anybody else’s presence. There was about half a dozen of boats drifting or anchoring in that bay, crowding the place. Not that it bothered the bear much. But the place was overcrowded, well, it has been very crowded for more than a 100 years there, it is nothing new. But nothing we would want to be part of, so we left soon and headed on.
Gallery Magdalenefjord – 5th August 2016
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We left Magdalenefjord in good style: hiking. Hundreds of thousands of tourists have been there over the decades, but few have done that, leaving not on a ship, but on foot. We made a nice glacier passage to the north. On the way to the glacier, we passed a polar bear just a few hundred metres from us. We could only see it when we had already passed it. It was lying further up on the slope, watching us for a moment, then laying its head down again, not taking any further notice of us at all. Good. We went our way up on the glacier, up into the fog, the mountains occasionally coming out between fog banks … a mystery atmosphere, small meltwater streams running down the glacier, disappearing into the ice in large holes. The combination of a glacier, a polar bear and fog made this tour quite unforgettable.