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Home* News and Stories → Polar bear shot on Prins Karls For­land

Polar bear shot on Prins Karls For­land

The series of sad news about dead­ly encoun­ters bet­ween polar bears and humans in Spits­ber­gen does not stop: on August 09, a polar bear was shot in the bay Sel­vå­gen on Prins Karls For­land on Spitsbergen’s west coast.

The polar bear was a young fema­le, 2 years old, weig­hing 155 kg.

Sin­ce August 01, 6 Rus­si­an sci­en­tists were based in a camp in Sel­vå­gen. As far as known, the polar bear was for the first time in the vici­ni­ty of the camp on August 09. As she was in a distance of 130 met­res (yes: one hundred and thir­ty met­res!), one of the sci­en­tists fired a war­ning shot from a fla­re gun. Imme­dia­te­ly the­re­af­ter, ano­ther fired two sharp shots from a rif­le. At least one of the­se shots must have hit the polar bear on a distance of 130 m.

The woun­ded ani­mal went into the water whe­re she died soon. The Rus­si­ans towed her to the shore with a rope.

This hap­pen­ed around 10 p.m. The Sys­sel­man­nen was infor­med about 12 hours later. The law requi­res to inform the aut­ho­ri­ties as soon as pos­si­ble in such a case.

Once local inves­ti­ga­ti­ons are com­ple­ted, the case will be for­ward­ed the the fede­ral pro­se­cu­tor in Troms og Finn­mark (north Nor­way).

Fur­ther details have not yet been published, but the distance of 130 m and the short time bet­ween the war­ning shot and the sharp shots may indi­ca­te that no serious attempt was made to sca­re the bear away and save her life.

The bay Sel­vå­gen a few days befo­re the polar bear was shot on August 09.

Spitsbergen: Selvågen

Source: Sval­bard­pos­ten



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last modification: 2016-08-23 · copyright: Rolf Stange