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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Arc­tic under sail 2018: start­ing with SV Anti­gua in Bodø

Arc­tic under sail 2018: start­ing with SV Anti­gua in Bodø

Bodø! This is whe­re the arc­tic cir­cle is clo­sing. Not the arc­tic cir­cle that marks the sou­thern­most appearance of the mid­night sun, that is at 66°33’N, about 44 miles south of Bodø. But the cir­cle of the arc­tic sai­ling adven­tures of the sum­mer. The first sai­ling trip of the arc­tic starts here in Bodø now in late May and the last one will end here in ear­ly Novem­ber, clo­sing a very lar­ge cir­cle of thou­sands of miles sai­ling arc­tic waters, many kilo­me­ters in Zodiacs in the fjords, hiking on the tun­dra, on moun­ta­ins, lots of adven­tures, wind and wea­ther, encoun­tering wild­life of all sorts, mee­ting peo­p­le … and the­re will be lots of gre­at pho­tos and many ent­ries here in the arc­tic blog 2018.

SV Antigua, Bodø

SV Anti­gua rea­dy to set sail in Bodø.

We will be com­ple­te in a few hours, with about 30 tra­vel­lers from the Net­her­lands, Ger­ma­ny and Aus­tria, and then we will sail across Ves­t­fjord to spend the next days in Lofo­ten. Later, we will sail nor­thwards to Trom­sø and then the Spits­ber­gen adven­ture will start. If you want to join us digi­tal­ly, then just come back and visit this blog!

SV Antigua, Bodø

About to start in a few hours! 🙂



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last modification: 2018-05-18 · copyright: Rolf Stange