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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Lofo­ten: Skro­va & Troll­fjord

Lofo­ten: Skro­va & Troll­fjord

The wea­ther was much more agreeable today: still clou­dy, but no rain and very litt­le wind. So we went to the love­ly island and har­bour of Skro­va, which we rea­ched after a short pas­sa­ge from Kabel­våg during break­fast. Skro­va has very nice oppor­tu­ni­ties for various hikes. The top of the moun­tain Skro­vaf­jel­let was still hid­den in clouds, but the lower moun­tain Stap­pen was free and pro­vi­ded some gre­at pan­o­r­amic views.

Skrova, Lofoten

View over Skro­va, Lofo­ten.

On the way fur­ther north we had nice, gent­le sai­ling wind wit­hout too big waves. Per­fect con­di­ti­ons to enjoy the view of SV Anti­gua under sail from the din­gy. A gre­at and impres­si­ve view! Then the swell went up again and the wind down and so did the sails, con­se­quent­ly.

Antigua under sail, Vestfjord

SV Anti­gua under sail in nor­t­hern Ves­t­fjord, clo­se to Litl­mol­la.

Later during the after­noon, we rea­ched the famous Troll­fjord. A place whe­re natu­re had put a lot of effort into crea­ting a stun­ning tes­tim­o­ny to her own, gre­at powers. Che­ers to the ice-age gla­ciers that have made this ama­zing bit of land­scape!

Antigua in Trollfjord

SV Anti­gua in Troll­fjord.

In the end, even a Sea eagle tur­ned up and cir­cled around the ship. A gre­at, rich day!

Sea eagle in Trollfjord

Sea eagle in Troll­fjord.



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last modification: 2018-05-21 · copyright: Rolf Stange