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pfeil Calendar 2025: Spitsbergen & Greenland pfeil


Last night, we had a gre­at sun­set at sea, behind the moun­ta­ins of the island of Aus­t­vå­gøy, while we were gent­ly sai­ling nor­the­ast­wards … very nice! A beau­tiful pas­sa­ge with love­ly visu­al impres­si­ons, that’s how we like it!

Sunset over Austvågøy, Lofoten

Sun­set over Aus­t­vå­gøy, Lofo­ten.

And it was just as nice that we still found space in the litt­le har­bour of Kabel­våg, alt­hough the­re was alre­a­dy a ship along­side. But we could go along­side that one and thus had a peaceful place to stay for tomor­row. Which is good, becau­se it is sup­po­sed to be rather uncom­for­ta­ble in the area tomor­row.

Storm clouds over Austvågøy, Lofoten

Storm clouds over Aus­t­vå­gøy, Lofo­ten.

Which was not exag­ge­ra­ted. During the mor­ning, it was still quite ok, but the clouds spo­ke a clear lan­guage. It star­ted rai­ning towards mid-day. But we had a good time in the muse­um and in the mari­ne aqua­ri­um of Kabel­våg. Warm and dry and lots of inte­res­t­ing stufff to see.

Fishermen's accommodation (Rorbu), museum Kabelvåg, Lofoten

This is whe­re the fisher­men lived. 8 men in one room with 4 bunks. In this room, they slept, lived, wwork­ed, coo­ked, ate and dried their wet fishing gear …

Owner's villa, museum Kabelvåg, Lofoten

… and this is whe­re the owner of the “Fis­ke­vær” lived, pro­ba­b­ly best trans­la­ted as “fishing har­bour”.

The after­noon went with lots of rain. Some eider­ducks are sit­ting on the shore, the waves are brea­king on the rocks out­side the har­bour. Some bra­ve peo­p­le went for a hike, but many pre­fer to visit the Anti­gua-cine­ma and to enjoy a cup of cof­fee and a book.

King Øystein, Kabelvåg

King Wikin­ger­kö­nig Øystein keeps a watchful eye over Kabel­våg.

Even a Jazz con­cert that was sche­du­led for tonight in the church is can­cel­led. Too bad, that would have been per­fect for a day like this. But the more cosy it is insi­de, while the rain is fal­ling out­side and the waves are going high at sea.

Sky over Kabelvåg

Sky over Aus­t­vå­gøy.

Tomor­row will be a new day with new wea­ther!



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last modification: 2018-05-20 · copyright: Rolf Stange