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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Rødefjord – 2nd Sep­tem­ber 2019

Rødefjord – 2nd Sep­tem­ber 2019

Well, last night’s ancho­ra­ge in inner­most Fønfjord was not exact­ly gre­at. The sea bot­tom was slo­ping stee­p­ly to gre­at depth near the shore. No sur­pri­se the anchor was sli­ding down after a few hours. A typi­cal Green­land phe­no­me­non that finis­hed this night’s sleep for us.

Which tur­ned out to be a good thing. The day star­ted with a beau­tiful sun­ri­se, which most would have missed other­wi­se. A stun­ning start into a gol­den Green­land late sum­mer day! And we got seve­ral hours extra. We had made our first walk on the bright yel­low and red tun­dra in Rødefjord alre­a­dy befo­re break­fast.

The ice­bergs that are groun­ded near Røde Ø are world class. Sce­n­ery-wise, Green­land is second to not­hing.

Gal­lery – Rødefjord – 2nd Sep­tem­ber 2019

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.

We con­tin­ued nor­thwards in the ama­zin­gly scenic Rødefjord with its inten­se red­dish colours on the west side and steep islands like Sor­te Ø and Store Ø on the east side. Lar­ge ice­bergs are drif­ting ever­y­whe­re in the mir­ror-calm water, occa­sio­nal­ly one rolls over or falls apart. A stun­ning pan­ora­ma. We spend hours sit­ting sil­ent­ly on deck, just enjoy­ing. Speechl­ess­ly.

Final­ly we reach one of few good ancho­ra­ges in this area in Harefjord. Soon two shore­li­nes are out, so it should be a calm night – unless nor­t­hern lights would inter­rupt our sleep, which would be quite ok we enjoy the beau­tiful evening light on a litt­le hill just abo­ve the anchor bay and call it a day.



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last modification: 2019-09-03 · copyright: Rolf Stange