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Home* News and Stories → No admis­si­ons to UNIS-cour­ses for the rest of the year

No admis­si­ons to UNIS-cour­ses for the rest of the year

UNIS has announ­ced to not admit new stu­dents to cour­ses for the sum­mer and fall 2020 becau­se of the Coro­na cri­sis. As the­re is so far no case of Covid-19 in Spits­ber­gen, the stra­tegy is to make sure that tho­se sci­en­tists and stu­dents who are alre­a­dy in Lon­gye­ar­by­en can con­ti­nue with their work and edu­ca­ti­on as nor­mal­ly as pos­si­ble, and being (and stay­ing) Covid-19-free does allow for a ran­ge of oppor­tu­ni­ties that UNIS wants to make use of.

UNIS, Longyearbyen

Guest lec­tu­re by Maar­ten Loo­nen, the Ny-Åle­sund-goo­se­man from the Net­her­lands,
at UNIS.

With this back­ground, no new stu­dents will be admit­ted to regu­lar cour­ses for the rest of the year. A few excep­ti­ons will only be made under strict con­di­ti­ons for mas­ter and PhD-stu­dents who need to to fieldwork for their the­sis.



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last modification: 2020-05-01 · copyright: Rolf Stange