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Home* News and Stories → Qua­ran­ti­ne for tra­vel­lers from Ger­ma­ny and Liech­ten­stein

Qua­ran­ti­ne for tra­vel­lers from Ger­ma­ny and Liech­ten­stein

Yes­ter­day it was an assump­ti­on, based on recom­men­da­ti­ons by the Nor­we­gi­an insti­tu­te for public health (Fol­ke­hels­e­insti­tutt, FHI), now it is offi­ci­al after a decis­i­on of the Nor­we­gi­an govern­ment: tra­vel­lers from Ger­ma­ny and Liech­ten­stein will be obli­ged to stay in qua­ran­ti­ne for 10 days upon ent­ry in Nor­way from Satur­day. The same alre­a­dy appli­es to a lar­ge num­ber of other Euro­pean count­ries.

Corona: travel restrictions Norway

“Valid in all of Euro­pe” – Coro­na virus war­ning.
(Pho­to com­po­si­ti­on. This is in rea­li­ty of cour­se the famous polar bear war­ning sign).

Tra­vel­lers have to do their qua­ran­ti­ne in one appro­pria­te address upon ente­ring Nor­way. Chan­ging address during qua­ran­ti­ne is not allo­wed, cam­ping sites are not accept­ed as qua­ran­ti­ne sites and qua­ran­ti­ne has to be in main­land Nor­way, not Spits­ber­gen. Tra­vel­lers may be asked for an appro­pria­te boo­king or invi­ta­ti­on when ente­ring Nor­way.

The Nor­we­gi­an thres­hold for intro­du­cing qua­ran­ti­ne is 20 or more coro­na infec­tions per 100,000 inha­bi­tants within 14 days.



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last modification: 2020-08-27 · copyright: Rolf Stange