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Home* News and Stories → Ava­lan­che risk: parts of Nyby­en evacua­ted

Ava­lan­che risk: parts of Nyby­en evacua­ted

Parts of Nyby­en, the upper part of Lon­gye­ar­by­en, were evacua­ted today becau­se of a risk of ava­lan­ches. The part of Nyby­en east of the road, the side towards the moun­tain Gru­vef­jel­let, may not be ente­red. This con­cerns both the buil­dings and the area around them. This was deci­ded today by the Sys­sel­mes­ter after con­sul­ta­ti­ons with rele­vant tech­ni­cal aut­ho­ri­ties.

Avalanche risk, evacuation of Nybyen in Longyearbyen

Lon­gye­ar­by­ens upper part Nyby­en: the buil­dings and area east of the road (right side of the pic­tu­re) are curr­ent­ly evacua­ted and may not be ente­red.

Some of the buil­dings are used as stu­dent homes. Accom­mo­da­ti­on for the­se stu­dents was found in Elves­let­ta, a part of Lon­gye­ar­by­en near the cent­re.

It is curr­ent­ly not known how long the evacua­ti­on will be in force. The Sys­sel­mes­ter wro­te that the ava­lan­che risk will be eva­lua­ted con­ti­nuous­ly and updated infor­ma­ti­on will fol­low until tomor­row (Tues­day) 1300.

The Nor­we­gi­an wea­ther ser­vice pre­dicts wind and snow for the next days.



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last modification: 2023-02-06 · copyright: Rolf Stange