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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Isfjord: Ymer­buk­ta & Coles­buk­ta

Isfjord: Ymer­buk­ta & Coles­buk­ta

Time is fly­ing, this is alre­a­dy the last full day of a very long voya­ge. We are back in Isfjord, ancho­red in Ymer­buk­ta sin­ce the very ear­ly mor­ning. It was blo­wing quite stron­gly in the mor­ning, but we moved a bit fur­ther into the bay whe­re the moun­ta­ins gave us some shel­ter and went ashore. Ymer­buk­ta is not as far from zivi­li­sa­ti­on as many of the places we had recent­ly been to; the­re is boat traf­fic and mobi­le pho­nes work in the­re. Still, it is a beau­tiful place, and natu­re has a lot to fasci­na­te us with, from 300 mil­li­on year old fos­sils to the gla­cier Esmark­breen.

The final landing took place in Coles­buk­ta. An impres­si­on of the Rus­si­an histo­ry of Spits­ber­gen in the 20th cen­tu­ry was fol­lo­wed by a quiet walk into the beau­tiful tun­dra of Coles­da­len.

A beau­tiful fina­le of a beau­tiful voya­ge, which was bles­sed with luck … wea­ther, wild­life … ever­y­thing was the­re. The Arc­tic was fri­end­ly to us. Spi­rits on board were bet­ter than good and ever­y­thing work­ed per­fect­ly well – my app­re­cia­ti­ons for this go to all invol­ved, espe­ci­al­ly to Mario, cap­tain and owner of the good ship Mean­der, and his crew! Gre­at work, and I am loo­king for­ward to joi­ning you again in late August!

Pho­to gal­lery – Isfjord: Ymer­buk­ta & Coles­buk­ta, 17th july 2023

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.



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last modification: 2023-07-18 · copyright: Rolf Stange