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Local elec­tions: the result

All votes from Monday’s local elec­tions are coun­ted and the result is offi­ci­al. The com­mu­ni­ty coun­cil (Lokals­ty­re), estab­lished in 2002, has 15 seats, and accor­ding to the offi­ci­al result, the par­ty “Venst­re” will have 7 of them. Hence, Venst­re will most likely lead the new Lokals­ty­re and appoint the mayor. Venst­re (“Left”) is a social libe­ral par­ty.

Longyearbyen Lokalstyre, elections 2023

Lon­gye­ar­by­en Lokals­ty­re: the new com­mu­ni­ty coun­cil was elec­ted on Mon­day
– for the first time, under exclu­si­on of non-Nor­we­gi­an locals.

As a result, for the first time in the histo­ry of Lokals­ty­re, the social demo­cra­tic Arbei­der­par­ti (Labour par­ty) will not appoint the mayor any­mo­re. Arbei­der­par­tiet will have 3 seats in the new com­mu­ni­ty coun­cil. The left-social-demo­cra­tic Sosia­lis­tisk Venst­re­par­ti will also have 3 seats, while the con­ser­va­ti­ve Høy­re (“Right”) will have 2.

1420 per­sons were eli­gi­ble to vote, and 808 made of of this right, resul­ting in a voter turn­out of 56.9 %. During the pre­vious elec­tions, the­re were 1823 eli­gi­ble voters, but seve­ral hundred locals with pass­ports other than Nor­we­gi­an have lost their voting rights due to the new regu­la­ti­ons. Some Nor­we­gi­an voters had announ­ced to not vote or to sub­mit inva­lid bal­lot papers, of which the­re were 54.



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last modification: 2023-10-11 · copyright: Rolf Stange