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pfeil Guidebook: Spitsbergen-Svalbard pfeil


Trom­sø! What shall I say, this beau­tiful city is well known. We had deci­ded to spend a who­le day here, some­thing that would also fit well with our plans for the days to come. And the­re is so much to do and to see in Trom­sø.

Start­ing with the stun­ning evening light on our arri­val the night befo­re. Ama­zing, Trom­sø just loo­ked as if it was on fire!

To start with, I went to Trom­sø Muse­um (“Nor­ges ark­tis­ke Uni­ver­si­tets­mu­se­um”) near the south end of the island. For years, I wan­ted to see the “ter­rel­la”, Chris­ti­an Birkeland’s expe­ri­ment whe­re he famously crea­ted the first arti­fi­ci­al nor­t­hern light in his labo­ra­to­ry. The ter­rel­la (“litt­le earth” had been in the museum’s archi­ves for ages and now it is on dis­play again. Some­what hid­den and wit­hout any expl­ana­ti­on men­tio­ning the name of Chris­ti­an Bir­keland or the term “ter­rel­la”. But anway … I’ve seen it … I’ve seen the light 🤩 and that’s some­thing I’ve real­ly been wan­ting to do for some time, being the nor­t­hern light fan I am.

But that was just one thing. As said, the­re is so much to see and to do in Trom­sø.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.



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last modification: 2024-04-27 · copyright: Rolf Stange