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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → From Halv­må­neøya to Tjuv­fjord­la­gu­ne

From Halv­må­neøya to Tjuv­fjord­la­gu­ne

At anchor next to Halv­må­neøya. The first view out­side: grey. Not­hing to see. The second view: stun­ning. We have a visi­tor. Any idea of a landing near the old famous trap­per sta­ti­on Bjør­ne­borg is for­got­ten for­got­ten for a while.

We con­tin­ued around Svar­t­hu­ken (the sou­the­as­tern point of Edgeøya, it used to have a dif­fe­rent name in the past) into Tjuv­fjord. It remain­ed win­dy and fog­gy. At least the fog cle­ared enough to allow some views of the stor­my land­scape of Edgeøya around Tjuv­fjord.

One of the nau­ti­cal (not just) high­lights of the voya­ge is bey­ond any doubt the pas­sa­ge into the lagoon Tjuv­fjord­la­gu­ne. I had bought a handhelt echo­sound­er for this trip espe­ci­al­ly with this pas­sa­ge on my mind, Ser­ge had kind­ly brought it to Lon­gye­ar­by­en. It tur­ned out to be a good thing to have, the ent­rance is not as deep as one might have thought. Not for big­ger ships. But we could enter after some hydro­gra­phi­cal rese­arch, sail all the way into the lagoon, enjoy some wild views of Delt­ab­reen (the nor­t­hern part of which seems to be advan­cing) and ancho­red in a posi­ti­on whe­re not many boats – if any at all – had ancho­red befo­re us. A litt­le walk in the huge morai­ne land­scape on the south side of the lagoon roun­ded things off for today. What an expe­ri­ence!

Pho­to gal­lery: from Halv­må­neøya to Tjuv­fjord­la­gu­ne – 19th August 2024

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.



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last modification: 2024-08-22 · copyright: Rolf Stange