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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → West coast: Fjer­de­breen & Kob­befjord

West coast: Fjer­de­breen & Kob­befjord

A gol­den day at the nor­t­hern west coast, the „Seven ice­bergs“, Dei Sju Isfjel­la. One of tho­se rare days when you can actual­ly do a bit more on the wild outer coast bet­ween Kongsfjord/Krossfjord and Mag­da­le­nefjord than just pas­sing by. We went by Zodiac into the lagoon of Fjer­de­breen and spent a sun­ny mor­ning on the morai­ne hills near this migh­ty and very impres­si­ve gla­cier. Stun­ning!

Later we went into Kob­befjord on the west side of Dan­s­køya. Exact­ly, that is the place whe­re the tra­ge­dy of Møkle­by and Simon­sen hap­pen­ed in 1922. But what main­ly caught our atten­ti­on were the seals that Kob­befjord owes its name to (Kob­befjord = Seal bay). Har­bour seals, to be pre­cise. And a litt­le evening walk with a faint hint of wha­ling histo­ry. And an arc­tic let­ter­box.

Gal­lery: West coast: Fjer­de­breen & Kob­befjord, 13th Sep­tem­ber 2024

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last modification: 2024-09-16 · copyright: Rolf Stange