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Home* News and Stories → Evacua­ti­on from Bear Island (Bjørnøya) after sola­ri­um use

Evacua­ti­on from Bear Island (Bjørnøya) after sola­ri­um use

This is not how sta­ti­on chef Erling Gus­tav­sen had pic­tures his fare­well from Bear Island (Bjørnøya): In mid May, he got pain­ful chan­ges to the skin on the ank­le. Tele-medi­cal con­su­la­ti­on resul­ted in some fear that he might have caught Sta­phy­lo­coc­cus spec. Final­ly, it was deci­ded to heli­c­op­ter-evacua­te him from Bear Island to get him into medi­cal tre­at­ment.

In the hos­pi­tal in Trom­sø, howe­ver, it tur­ned out that Gus­tav­sen had sim­ply burnt his ank­le in the sola­ri­um. He had, at the same time, used cream to cure pro­blems with his Achil­les heel, which makes the skin more sen­si­ti­ve to UV radia­ti­on.

The pati­ent is impro­ving rapidly, but he finds the sto­ry a bit embar­ras­sing. Effects of the evacua­ti­on of the chef on the meals for the remai­ning sta­ti­on crew on Bear Island are not known.

The wea­ther sta­ti­on on Bear Island (Bjørnøya). The sola­ri­um is of cour­se the only place to be in such con­di­ti­ons.

Evacuation from Bear Island Bjørnøya

Source: Finn­marks­dag­bla­det



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last modification: 2014-07-01 · copyright: Rolf Stange