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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Kongsfjord – 21st July 2015

Kongsfjord – 21st July 2015

What a day. Long, full and beau­tiful. And as it is time to finish it, this blog ent­ry won’t be ter­ri­bly long.

The sce­ne for the day is not unknown. Kongsfjord is a clas­sic, espe­ci­al­ly Ny Åle­sund will be known to many, if not all, rea­ders. It is, howe­ver, less com­mon to lea­ve the town with a hike into the fjord, rather than a walk to the har­bour. The coas­tal tun­dra plains near Ny Åle­sund are very invi­ting for some good walks.

Pho­to Kongsfjord – 21st Juli 2015


The gla­ciers in Kongsfjord must have been very acti­ve recent­ly. It has been quite warm the last days, the arc­tic sum­mer is at its peak. The­re is a lot of gla­cier ice drif­ting in the water.

Pho­to Ossi­an Sars­fjel­let – 21st Juli 2015 – 1/2


The arc­tic flowers are in their busie­st sea­son. The vege­ta­ti­on is strong and ple­ntyful here in inner Kongsfjord, with flowers in many colours.

Pho­to Ossi­an Sars­fjel­let – 21st Juli 2015 – 2/2


Also the sea­birds are in their peak brea­ding sea­son. Brünich’s guil­l­emots and kit­ti­wa­kes are taking care of their chicks. The­re is an immense level of acti­vi­ty in the steep bree­ding cliffs.

Now we are calm­ly ancho­red, enjoy­ing the evening with its beau­tiful light that is get­ting warm again, as late July isn’t far any­mo­re.



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last modification: 2016-09-23 · copyright: Rolf Stange