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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Land of polar bear and wha­lers – 25th July 2015

Land of polar bear and wha­lers – 25th July 2015

While con­ti­nuing fur­ther nor­thwest, we dis­co­ver­ed ano­ther fema­le polar bear which was wal­king over some small islands in Fuglefjord. This is good polar bear coun­try at the time being, always some­thing going on.

Foto Fug­le­hol­ma­ne – 25. Juli 2015


Loo­king for remains of 17th cen­tu­ry wha­ling sta­ti­ons that are less well known and not as fre­quent­ly visi­ted as Smee­ren­burg, I quick­ly che­cked two small, but pro­mi­sing islands. Howe­ver, they tur­ned out to be less pro­duc­ti­ve, from a wha­ling histo­ry point of view, than I had been hoping for. So we rea­li­zed plan A, which meant Ind­re Nor­skøya. Still quite unknown, which is good. This trip is „advan­ced Spits­ber­gen“, so we have to find some places which not ever­y­bo­dy has alre­a­dy been to.

Foto Ind­re Nor­skoya – 25. Juli 2015


Which does not mean that visi­ting well-known places is not an opti­on. Of cour­se, we have got some Chris­tia­ne Rit­ter fans on board, so we made a litt­le detour to Gråhu­ken. The oppor­tu­ni­ty is good, given the very calm sea that we have got here today, and a late after­noon walk is a very wel­co­me oppor­tu­ni­ty to break up the long trip to the east. Espe­ci­al­ly as we con­tin­ued the walk to the nor­t­hern­most tip of Andrée Land, Gråhuk­pyn­ten, whe­re the coas­tal flat is ending in lagoons and nice­ly struc­tu­red rocky out­crops. And as we rea­ched the shore, skip­per Pål had alre­a­dy caught seve­ral fresh, nice arc­tic char J (simi­lar to sal­mon).



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