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Home* News and Stories → Online pre­sen­ta­ti­on: Spits­ber­gen – Nor­we­gens ark­ti­scher Nor­den

Online pre­sen­ta­ti­on: Spits­ber­gen – Nor­we­gens ark­ti­scher Nor­den

The live pre­sen­ta­ti­ons that I had sche­du­led didn’t work this year, so let’s go online! We will meet on the inter­net and tra­vel Spits­ber­gen through the arc­tic sea­sons, from the polar light to the mid­night sun.

The first date, Wed­nes­day, 9 Decem­ber, is almost ful­ly boo­ked, so the­re will be a second date on Tues­day, 22 Decem­ber.

This pre­sen­ta­ti­on will be in Ger­man, but I know the­re are a lot of Ger­man spea­king visi­tors also on the Eng­lish site here, hence the offer also here on the Eng­lish web­site – if you under­stand some Ger­man, plea­se don’t hesi­ta­te to join me on Wed­nes­day!

Spitzbergen - Norwegens arktischer Norden

Spitz­ber­gen – Nor­we­gens ark­ti­scher Nor­den: impres­si­ons from the arc­tic sea­sons, from the polar night to the mid­night sun.

For fur­ther details, plea­se chan­ge to Ger­man at the top of the page or visit my online shop by cli­cking here to buy tickets.



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last modification: 2020-12-08 · copyright: Rolf Stange