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Home* News and Stories → Pho­to prints with Spits­ber­gen drift­wood frames

Pho­to prints with Spits­ber­gen drift­wood frames

Still miss­ing a real­ly beau­tiful Christ­mas pre­sent for yours­elf or a bel­oved one? Here comes the solu­ti­on for all arc­tic enthu­si­asts – no, not for all of them, just for four lucky ones, becau­se each of the­se four high qua­li­ty prints comes in exclu­si­ve sin­gle edi­ti­on. Just once, no more.

So final­ly I have done what I had initi­al­ly on my mind when I star­ted with the idea of the pic­tu­re frames made from real Spits­ber­gen drift­wood. Initi­al­ly, the idea was about my pic­tures. I wan­ted them to get good … well … frame con­di­ti­ons. This work­ed so well that the frames somehow took of with a life on their own, wit­hout the pic­tures.

Now I have got four pho­to­gra­phic high­lights, sel­ec­ted among­st ten thou­sands, many of which would easi­ly have deser­ved the same honour. But the­re is now just four and no more. Two images show polar bears – the­re was just no way around the king of the Arc­tic – and two fea­ture Spitsbergen’s stun­ning gla­cier land­scapes in the ama­zing light of the arc­tic win­ter.

Here they are. Four images, four pic­tures, four frames. Exact­ly one ori­gi­nal of each one. No copies.

The colours of the prints come out much bet­ter than on the pho­tos here that show the prints tog­e­ther with the frames.

Gla­cier front on Spitsbergen’s east coast: Heu­g­lin­breen in Mohn­buk­ta

Glacier front on Spitsbergen's east coast: Heuglinbreen in Mohnbukta

Gla­cier front on Spitsbergen’s east coast: Heu­g­lin­breen in Mohn­buk­ta.

It is arc­tic win­ter and we are stan­ding on the fro­zen fjord next to the migh­ty ice cliff of Heu­g­lin­breen in Mohn­buk­ta on the east coast of Spits­ber­gen. The sun has retur­ned after the polar night, but it is still low on the sky, thus cas­ting stun­ning light over the sce­n­ery and making the beau­tiful blue and green colours of the ice shi­ne out.

To the Spitsbergen-Svalbard.com-shop: High qua­li­ty pho­to print with Spits­ber­gen drift­wood frame: Gla­cier front on Spitsbergen’s east coast: Heu­g­lin­breen in Mohn­buk­ta

Polar bear in Horn­sund


Polar bear in Hornsund

Polar bear in Horn­sund.

An impres­si­ve, strong male polar bear that we could obser­ve from the sai­ling ship Anti­gua on the icy shore of Horn­sund. This par­ti­cu­lar polar bear was so impres­si­ve that one crew mem­ber later got it tat­to­oed on his should­er! That is not on offer here, but the print of the pho­to of this beau­tiful ani­mal is wit­hout any doubt an eye-cat­cher on the wall, just as this par­ti­cu­lar polar bear in Horn­sund in real life.

To the Spitsbergen-Svalbard.com-shop: High qua­li­ty pho­to print with Spits­ber­gen drift­wood frame: polar bear in Horn­sund

Moun­tain and gla­cier land­scape in Tem­pel­fjord


Mountain and glacier landscape in Tempelfjord

Moun­tain and gla­cier land­scape in Tem­pel­fjord.

It is ear­ly March and we are stan­ding on top of a litt­le moun­tain on the shore of Tem­pel­fjord. The sun, just having retur­ned after the polar night, is still low in the sky even mid-day, cas­ting ama­zing light over the who­le sce­ne, with inten­se colours and long shadows on the crev­as­sed gla­cier Tunab­reen.

To the Spitsbergen-Svalbard.com-shop: High qua­li­ty pho­to print with Spits­ber­gen drift­wood frame: Moun­tain and gla­cier land­scape in Tem­pel­fjord

Polar bear fami­ly in Tem­pel­fjord


Polar bear family in Tempelfjord

Polar bear fami­ly in Tem­pel­fjord.

We aren wat­ching the famous (by seve­ral docu­men­ta­ries) fema­le polar bear “Frost” as she enjoys a playful and rela­xed day out on the ice in Tem­pel­fjord tog­e­ther with her two litt­le cubs. The­se were a good five months old at the time of pho­to­gra­phy in ear­ly May. At this time of year, the­re are ple­nty of seals lying on the ice and the litt­le polar bear fami­ly can enjoy life wit­hout worries, some­thing that comes cle­ar­ly through on this pho­to. A beau­tiful expe­ri­ence, both out the­re in natu­re and as a pic­tu­re on the wall.

To the Spitsbergen-Svalbard.com-shop: High qua­li­ty pho­to print with Spits­ber­gen drift­wood frame: Polar bear fami­ly in Tem­pel­fjord



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last modification: 2020-12-03 · copyright: Rolf Stange