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Home* News and Stories → The “arc­tic Wed­nes­day” con­tin­ued: online pre­sen­ta­ti­on about the Mosaic expe­di­ti­on, 3 March

The “arc­tic Wed­nes­day” con­tin­ued: online pre­sen­ta­ti­on about the Mosaic expe­di­ti­on, 3 March

The series of 6 arc­tic online pre­sen­ta­ti­ons in the series “The Arc­tic Wed­nes­day” that Bir­git Lutz and I have star­ted is over – but this is not the end of the Arc­tic Wed­nes­day. It has been just too good to stop it now.

The pre­sen­ta­ti­ons will be held in Ger­man.

Icebreaker Polarstern, Mosaic expedition. Presentation in the series Arctic Wednesday, 3 March

The rese­arch ice­brea­k­er Polar­stern during the Mosaic expe­di­ti­on:
Pre­sen­ta­ti­on in the series “Arc­tic Wed­nes­day” on 3 March.

Bir­git and I are, howe­ver, not the only ones who have got some sto­ries to tell. On 3 March, Udo Zöphel will talk about his expe­ri­en­ces as a polar bear guard for sci­en­tists during seve­ral arc­tic win­ter months as a mem­ber of the Mosaic expe­di­ti­on, drif­ting with the ice­brea­k­er Polar­stern with the ice across the Arc­tic Oce­an. Click here for more infor­ma­ti­on about the pre­sen­ta­ti­on (the link will open a Ger­man page, but the pre­sen­ta­ti­on will also be held in Ger­man).

After a litt­le break, Bir­git and I will come up with seve­ral more dates in March. We will pre­sent the new dates on 03 March. See you then! 🙂



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last modification: 2021-02-18 · copyright: Rolf Stange