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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Troll­fjord & Kabel­våg

Troll­fjord & Kabel­våg

Troll­fjord is wide­ly famous for its stun­ning sce­n­ery and sea eagles (they live any­whe­re in the wide regi­on up here, but Troll­fjord is defi­ni­te­ly a good place to see them). We were the­re in the right time to see the won­derful land­scape in its full beau­ty.

The same appli­es to the sea eagles. We got to see an ama­zing num­ber of them. That was, to some degree, coin­ci­dence, but not an enti­re­ly natu­ral one: while we were play­ing in Troll­fjord, a smal­ler motor boat came in with tou­rists, pro­ba­b­ly from Svol­vær, and star­ted put­ting out pie­ces of fish. The sea eagles cle­ar­ly knew the ritu­al, as they came down even befo­re that boat had actual­ly stop­ped! Dir­ty trick, pos­si­bly, but it works quite obvious­ly well.

A few hours later we went along­side in Kabel­våg, the his­to­ri­cal cent­re of the Lofo­ten islands. We went to have a good look around in wea­ther that was get­ting incre­asing­ly less enjoya­ble. The fore­cast pro­mi­ses rather unp­lea­sant con­di­ti­ons for the days to come.

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.



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last modification: 2021-11-12 · copyright: Rolf Stange