Hambergbukta & Sørkapp
16 Jul
Now the thing was to make miles and use the relatively good weather window for the long passage around the south cape. Especially on a smaller, relatively slow boat, it is good to be mentally prepared for a day at sea without any landings on this day. And if it works out to make a landing – all the better. We got our chance in Hambergbukta. That is the bay on the east coast of Spitsbergen exactly opposite Hornsund, where the glaciers are melting like crazy so there may be a passage between Hambergbukta and Hornsund in some years from now. A fast and scary development due to climate change, which is progressing and getting faster and more intense.
Nevertheless, we enjoyed the morning, with weather conditions that can adequately be described as arctic. Terrain, time and conditions did not permit longer hikes, but some fascinating close-up views of a glacier and its surroundings landscape.
Then it was time to proceed to and around Sørkapp, something that took the rest of the day and a good part of the following night and went with moderate movement of the ship and the use of both engine and sails.
Gallery – Hambergbukta & Sørkapp, 13th July 2023
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last modification: 2023-07-15 ·
copyright: Rolf Stange