Rindersbukta: Scheelebreen. Sveagruva
24 Aug
We went as far into inner Van Mijenfjord as possible, into Rindersbukta, in order to escape from rain and fog that was currently hanging on to the west coast. In Rindersbukta, there is a glacier that is currently advanving rapidly (“surging”). Usually hidden deep in its valley and not much of an eye-catcher, Scheelebreen has advanced quite a bit so it is now almost blocking the bay. Very impressive!
Later we had a very special opportunity, namely visiting the site that used to be the mining settlement of Sveagruva. The settlement was abandoned and cleaned up after 2017 and not there is not much left, just a very few buildings that are protected as cultural heritage and some bits and pieces that are still there for the same reason or … well … the place could do with a last round of vacuum-cleaning, but well, considering the whole matter, they did a pretty good job. Just a couple of days ago, the place was officially returned to nature (including a few extra goodies that had not been there before mining started).
If you are interested in the history of Svea and associated coalmines including the Lunckefjellet mine, there is a whole set of pages on spitsbergen-svalbard.com with a lot of information, photos and panorama images. Click here to start.
Photo gallery: Rindersbukta: Scheelebreen. Sveagruva – 22nd August 2024
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last modification: 2024-08-24 ·
copyright: Rolf Stange