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HomeArctic blog: Jan Mayen, Spitsbergen → Thank you and good­bye, Arc­ti­ca II!

Thank you and good­bye, Arc­ti­ca II!

We had still quite a few miles to go, so this very last full day of the trip was a day at sea. We wat­ched the land­scape of Van Mijenfjord pas­sing by, and some were rocked to sleep on the pas­sa­ged north to Isfjord. Not far from Kapp Lin­né we were gree­ted by a polar bear, and if you wan­ted some­thing fresh on the pla­te on the final evening of the voya­ge, you had to use the fishing rod. So we did.

So we finis­hed a voya­ge that alre­a­dy now appears pret­ty monu­men­tal in my memo­ry. Huge thanks to ever­y­bo­dy who has con­tri­bu­ted to the­se won­derful days, but also to the gre­at litt­le ship Arc­ti­ca II. This was the last voya­ge of this kind, after more than 10 years. 18 days with a focus on the remo­te parts of Sval­bard, that won’t hap­pen again, at least not in the fore­seeable future, and it is uncer­tain when and whe­re I may ever see Arc­ti­ca II again. The future might see a new owner (let me know if you have some hundred thousand Euros that you don’t need).

Thank you so very much for 10 unbe­lie­va­ble voy­a­ges, Arc­ti­ca II! All the best, to you and the peo­p­le behind you, owner Hein­rich and the skip­pers that have been with us through all the­se years: Hein­rich, Stein, Peter and Pål! All the best, see you again, hop­eful­ly soon!

Pho­to gal­lery: Isfjord – 23rd August 2024

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.



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last modification: 2024-08-28 · copyright: Rolf Stange