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Home* News and Stories → From Skjer­vøy to Ham­nes

From Skjer­vøy to Ham­nes

We went up to a view­point in Skjer­vøy in the late after­noon. Even the rain stop­ped and the view over Skjer­vøy town and har­bour was love­ly!

Next day we star­ted for a final round of wha­le­wat­ching in Kvæn­an­gen – not wit­hout some suc­cess 🙂 – and then set cour­se for Ham­nes, one of few places in the wide area that was not des­troy­ed by Ger­man tro­ops in 1944/45 and hence has some of its his­to­ri­cal charme pre­ser­ved.

We went for a litt­le walk in Ham­nes and then enjoy­ed Captain’s Din­ner on board. Piet and the ser­vice crew had real­ly gone “all in”, making a won­derful (and very tasty) evening pos­si­ble for ever­y­bo­dy!

And as Cap­tain Dou­we descri­bed the trip, sum­ma­ri­sed in my own short words: “the worst wea­ther, the best wha­les”. Yes, the­re is some truth in that …

Pho­to gal­lery Skjer­vøy, Kvæn­an­gen and Ham­nes – 17th Novem­ber 2024

Click on thumb­nail to open an enlar­ged ver­si­on of the spe­ci­fic pho­to.



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last modification: 2024-11-18 · copyright: Rolf Stange